Updates – New Features

Guest Checkout

We have simplified guest checkout.  Now a diver can choose to create an account or checkout as a guest. This can speed up check out and it can be an easy way you the company can book a dive

Customer Credits

Added a feature so the Company admin can now issue and remove credits from a diver without having to change or cancel a booking or charter.

Time Zone Email Configuration

We have added a configuration that the company can set the local time zone.  This will simplify the timing of the email automation as well as the reporting of revenue and departures.

Edit Slots

You can now edit a charter or trip departure details including start time, destination and dive sites even if it has been booked.  it will automatically notify all of the divers booked on that trip of the changes.

Improved Views for Company Portal

We have updated many of the screens in the company portal to make them more user-friendly and to give you more information at your fingertips with fewer clicks.

Bug Fixes

Fixed dive roster bug so canceled divers do not show on the roster.

Fixed calendar view with canceled charters.

Fixed Mobile view for Diver Profile Booking history page